Java IDE Installation for Eclipse

(Last Updated On: )

This tutorial will guide you through configuring Eclipse for Java. Ensure you have followed the tutorial on installing Eclipse first.

You should open java and debug perspectives. To do that just go to “Window”–>”Open Perspective”–>”Java”. This opens Java perspective. To open “Debug” you need to go to “Window”–>”Open Perspective”–>”Other”. Select “Debug” and hit “Ok”.

You should also install Maven 2. Go to “Help”–>”Install New Software”. In the “Work With” type “” and hit “Add”. Then add the name “Maven2” or whatever name you want and hit “Ok”. Then check “Maven Integration for Eclipse” and hit “Next”. Hit “Next” again for “Install Details” and accept the license agreement. and hit “Finish”. You will need to restart.

If you want you can also open “Project Explorer”, “Markers” and “Problems” views from “Window”–>”Show View”–>”Other”.

FindBugs is also a nice to have and I recommend having it :). Go to “Help”–>”Install New Software”. In the “Work With” type “” and hit “Add”. Then add the name “FindBugs” or whatever name you want and hit “Ok”. Then check “FindBugs” and hit “Next”. Hit “Next” again for “Install Details” and accept the license agreement. and hit “Finish”. You will need to restart.

You should open the “FindBugs” perspective as well. To do that just go to “Window”–>”Open Perspective”–>”Other”. Select “FindBugs” and hit “Ok”.

Don’t forget to lock Eclipse to launcher if you want.


TypeScript IDE:

Used for React. It’s really handy. Open Eclipse. Click Help–>Install New Software. In the “work with” put “” and click Add. Follow the prompts and you are done for now. make sure you select “Embed Node.js” and “TypeScript IDE”.

HTML Editor:

Used for HTML files. Click Help –> Eclipse Marketplace. Search for “HTML Editor”. Then click install. After it is installed and Eclipse is restarted Click Window –> Preferences –> Web. Under “HTML Files” change encoding to “ISO 10646/Unicode(UTF-8). Under “Editor” add “div”. You can get more info and configuration from here.

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