HortonWorks: Install YARN/MR

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series HortonWorks
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This tutorial guides you through installing YARN/MapReduce on Hortonworks using a multi node cluster setup with Ubuntu OS.

Step 1: Go to “Stack and Version”. Then click “Add Service” on YARN. You will notice that “MapReduce2” comes with it.

Step 2: Assign Masters I usually put the ResourceManager, History Server and App Timeline Server all on the secondary namenode. But it is totally up to you how you setup your environment.

Step 3: Assign Slaves and Clients I put NodeManagers on all the datanodes and Client’s on all servers. Up to you though. This is what worked for me and my requirements.

Step 4: During Customize Services you may get the warning that Ambari Metrics “hbase_master_heapsize” needs to be increased. I recommend doing this change but it’s up to you and what makes sense in your environment.

Step 5: Follow the remaining steps and installation should complete with no issues. Should an issue arise review the error and if it was just a turning on connection error then you may not have any issues and it just needs all services to be stopped and started again. Please not Ambari Metrics may report errors but they should clear in around 15 minutes.


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