HortonWorks: Kerberize Ambari Server

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series HortonWorks
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You may want to integrate Kerberos authentication into your Ambari Server implementation. If you do follow the next few steps. It’s that easy.

Step 1: Stop Ambari Server

sudo ambari-server stop

Step 2: Create keytab file

addent -password -p ##USER##@##DOMAIN##.COM -k 1 -e RC4-HMAC
# Enter password
wkt ##USER##.keytab
$ sudo mkdir /etc/security/keytabs
$ mv ##USER##.keytab /etc/security/keytabs

Step 3: Test Keytab. You should see the ticket once you klist.

kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/ambarisa.keytab -a ambarisa@AERYON.COM

Step 4: Run Ambari Server Kerberos Setup

sudo ambari-server setup-kerberos

Follow the prompts. Say true to enabling kerberos. The keytab file will be the /etc/security/##USER##.keytab file. You should be able to leave the rest defaults. Save the settings and you are done.

Step 5: Remove the kinit ticket you created that way you can make sure you kerberos authentication is working correctly.


Step 6: Start Ambari Server

sudo ambari-server start

Step 7: Validate Kerberos. You should see your ticket get created and you should now be able to login with no issues.

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